Classroom Schedule Planning Page
Planning presents you with tools for adding blocks to your schedule as well as moving them around and checking validity.
- The work area at the top contains the tools.
- Under the work area is the actual planning calendar with hours depicted down the left side and days/sections across the top.
Planning Tools
This should reverse whatever action you just took. The behavior here may not be perfectly reliable, but the software will do its best to undo whatever move you just applied to class assignments.
This button runs the validator logic against your schedule and generates a summary report for problems that it finds.
There is a link to the full details, in case you have many errors detected.
Create Blocks
This tool enables you to add blocks to the master schedule for whatever purpose. You set the title.
Edit Block
This tool asks you to click on a block to edit. It then will permit you to change the date, start time, and duration to whatever custom value you wish.
Delete Block
This tool asks you to click on a block to delete. It displays the details of the block and gives you a delete button.
Shift Times
This tool will shift a designated time window of your master schedule a certain number of minutes, either earlier or later.
This tool permits you to switch parts of your master schedule. You can switch:
- one day with another
- one class with another
Moving Class Assignments around on the Calendar
When you click on a class assignment to drag it, the shape will change such that the top left corner becomes a pointer. That’s the corner you should observe as you move it to a place to position it.
When the assignment is over a legitimate place, that box on the planning calendar will turn dark. Note that you can only drop 3A classes into an 3A column, for instance.
Adjust Class Assignments by a Few Minutes
You don’t need to drop the class exactly where it goes. You can move an assignment up and down in small increments very easily. Just click on a class assignment on the planning calendar. It will be highlighted with a dashed border. Now you can move it up and down with your arrow keys in one minute increments.
Warnings for Overlapping Classes
From time to time you may drop a class assignment on top of another one on your planning calendar. If you do this within a particular margin of error, ESSMaker will pop up a warning to let you know that this is what you have done. It doesn’t change anything, it just warns you.